Marine Weather Forecasts

Essential marine weather information and more...

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savvy navvy works as a chartplotter

Marine Forecasts for
better navigation

Wind Map

Visual Wind Maps

View a visual wind map overlaid on your digital savvy charts™ to easily see the changing direction and strength of the wind. Toggle through the date timeline to see how the wind will vary over the coming days.

sailing wind map
Marine Weather Forecast
Export GPX File

Marine Weather Forecasts

Toggle through various dates and times to see the predicted weather forecast. By dropping a pin on your savvy chart™ you can see the weather prediction for that specific location including wind direction and speed, conditions and temperature.

Automatic Course to Steer - CTS

Nautical Weather Routing

Routes planned with savvy navvy don’t just use chart detail to create your route, they also take weather forecasts, tidal data and your boat settings into account when creating your passage plan, so your route is customised to you and your boat.

Weather routing app
tidal graphs
Tidal Data

Tidal Data

Follow the changing effects of the tide with savvy navvy’s tidal graph and tidal stream overlays. Routes plotting takes into account tidal data, to makes your ETA more accurate. In addition, you can use the tidal graph to review tidal data from over eight thousand tidal stations worldwide and/or view tidal streams over your chart by turning on the tide icon.

departure schedule function

Departure Scheduler

How will the changing weather affect your route? Use the our departure schedule feature to evaluate the effect on your route depending on the time you leave. Select the route you like best and the savvy algorithm will automatically update your journey to that departure time.

Departure Scheduler
Offline charts with weather forecast
Offline Charts & Weather Forecasts

Offline charts and weather forecasts

Download chart and weather forecast packs for use when offline. By downloading weather packs you can use the predicted marine weather over the coming days to continue planning routes even when out of range of WiFi and phone signal. When you gain signal again simply update your offline packs to ensure you have the latest details available. 

Navigation Tools for Modern Boaters

fuel efficiency feature

Estimated Fuel Usage

Always ensure you take plenty of fuel for your trip with savvy navvy’s estimated fuel usage. When you switch to “motorboat” mode, and plot a route, our algorithm will choose the best route whilst also providing an estimate of the fuel you require, based on your boat settings.

marina information

Anchorage and Marina Information

Travel like a local with key information on anchorages and marinas such as reviews, facilities, seabed holding, fuel and water docks, restaurants and much more.

course to steer on passage plan

Automatic Course to Steer (CTS)

Get an automatically generated course to steer when plotting a route. You can even export your route for use with your marine GPS chart plotter.

night & satellite mode

Satellite and Night Mode

Switch between night mode to protect your night vision, satellite mode for enhanced details or map mode for when you’re underway. Switch the interfaces to suit your needs, not the other way around.

marine GPS

GPS Mode

See your live GPS location, heading, speed and course over the ground as well as visual distance references to key landmarks around you. 

savvy navvy route plotting

Record Track

Always ensure you can find your way home by recording the track of your journey. 

Chart Coverage

View all areas where we have chart coverage. We update our coverage locations regularly so it’s worth checking back here from time to time!

Advanced Navigation for Modern Boaters

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