Caloosa Cove Marina & Resort to Loggerhead Marina - Lantana Marina

Caloosa Cove Marina & Resort

Distance - 132.6 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
1 day, 2 hours, 31 minutes
13 hours, 16 minutes
6 hours, 38 minutes
4 hours, 25 minutes
Get route planning for Caloosa Cove Marina & Resort to Loggerhead Marina - Lantana Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Caloosa Cove Marina & Resort


Contact details for Caloosa Cove Marina & Resort

+1 (305) 664-4455, For the Marina
+1 (305) 664-8811, For the Resort
Cindy Horseman, General Manager

End Location
Loggerhead Marina - Lantana Marina


Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Lantana Marina

+1 (561) 582-4422
Graham Bentz, General Manager

Route plan from Caloosa Cove Marina & Resort to Loggerhead Marina - Lantana Marina

Embarking from the picturesque Caloosa Cove Marina & Resort nestled in Islamorada in the Florida Keys offers an unforgettable journey to Loggerhead Marina - Lantana Marina, situated in the heart of Palm Beach County. This route, encompassing the serene waters along the Florida coast, is as rich in scenic beauty as it is in navigational considerations, making it an ideal journey for the experienced boater with a taste for adventure amidst the tranquility of the sea.

Departure: Caloosa Cove Marina & Resort

Begin your voyage by setting sail from Caloosa Cove, where the Atlantic greets you with its vast expanse. Ensure your vessel is well-provisioned, and all safety equipment is on board and functional. Leaving the dock, be mindful of the local speed regulations as you navigate through the marina's channel.

Navigational Aids and Hazards

Once out of the immediate marina area, your primary navigation aids will be the well-marked channels that guide vessels through the Florida Keys. The first portion of your journey will involve navigating around the Upper Keys, including Plantation Key and Windley Key. Keep an eye out for shallow areas marked by the numerous navigation buoys and avoid the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary's protected areas, ensuring you do not damage the fragile ecosystems below.

Shelter and Points of Interest

Key Largo

As you pass by Key Largo, consider anchoring at John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park for a break. It's a fantastic spot for snorkeling or diving to explore the vibrant underwater life.

Route Considerations

Moving northwest towards Miami, you'll need to be cautious of the increased marine traffic, including both commercial vessels and pleasure craft. The Intracoastal Waterway (ICW) offers a relatively sheltered passage, with meticulous attention to the channel markers being paramount.

Biscayne Bay

Navigating through Biscayne Bay, you'll find numerous coves and anchorages should inclement weather arise. The bay's calm waters make it a suitable refuge, with Miami's skyline offering a stunning backdrop.

Safety and Regulations

While passing near Miami and subsequently Fort Lauderdale, it's crucial to adhere to the no-wake zones and be aware of manatee protection areas. The use of VHF Channel 16 for communication with Coast Guard and other mariners is recommended for updates on traffic, weather, and potential hazards.

Lake Worth Lagoon

Continuing your journey, the route through Lake Worth Lagoon and past Peanut Island is captivating. This area is perfect for a leisurely stopover, with the clear waters inviting swimming and relaxation.

Arrival: Loggerhead Marina - Lantana Marina

Approaching your destination, Loggerhead Marina - Lantana, is straightforward with clear channel marking. However, be attentive to local boating traffic and adhere to the marina's regulations upon entry.


Navigating from Caloosa Cove Marina & Resort to Loggerhead Marina - Lantana Marina offers a splendid mix of open-sea sailing, intricate navigation through the ICW, and the opportunity to explore the majestic coastlines and aquatic life of the Florida Keys and beyond. This journey is particularly suited for the seasoned boater who respects the ocean's might while savoring its beauty. With careful planning, attention to safety, and a spirit of adventure, this voyage promises to be not just a trip, but a memorable exploration of the treasures along Florida's coast.

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