Havn Residences and Yacht Club to Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

Havn Residences and Yacht Club

Distance - 186.9 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
1 day, 13 hours, 23 minutes
18 hours, 41 minutes
9 hours, 21 minutes
6 hours, 14 minutes
Get route planning for Havn Residences and Yacht Club to Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
Havn Residences and Yacht Club

Palm Beach Shores

Contact details for Havn Residences and Yacht Club

+1 (561) 848-7469
Tom Price, General Manager

End Location
Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

7080 Placida Road
Cape Haze

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

+1 (941) 697-4356
+1 (941) 697-4356
Brett Cherry, General Manager

Route plan from Havn Residences and Yacht Club to Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

Pilotage Plan: From Havn Residences and Yacht Club to Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

Preparation and Departure:

  • Ensure your vessel is adequately prepared for the journey. This includes checking the weather forecast, ensuring that the fuel tanks are full, all safety gear is on board and in good condition, and that you have a solid understanding of the route.
  • Familiarize yourself with local regulations and restrictions, including speed limits and areas that are off-limits to boaters.

Stage 1: Departure from Havn Residences and Yacht Club

  • Your journey begins at the prestigious Havn Residences and Yacht Club, situated in a prime location that offers both peace and accessibility. As you set off, take in the serene views of the marina, a perfect backdrop to start your voyage.

Stage 2: Navigating to Open Waters

  • After leaving the yacht club, your primary navigation route will take you towards the open waters, heading to Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina. This route is known for its calm seas and scenic coastlines, but attention to detail is crucial for safe navigation.
  • Pay close attention to navigational aids like buoys, beacons, and maritime signs indicating shallow waters, no-go zones, or environmentally protected areas.

Stage 3: Points of Interest and Shelter Bays

  • Along your route, you'll come across bays and coves that are not only suitable for taking shelter in case of sudden weather changes but also offer opportunities for leisure. Explore these tranquil waters for a peaceful anchorage or partake in water sports activities.
  • Points of interest such as coastal landmarks, lighthouses, and picturesque villages dot the coastline. These sites are perfect for short excursions or rest stops, where you can immerse yourself in the local culture or cuisine.

Stage 4: Staying Safe and Informed

  • Safety is paramount. Keep abreast of the weather conditions through your voyage; sudden weather changes can transform an otherwise idyllic route into a challenging endeavor.
  • Always maintain a safe distance from commercial shipping lanes and be mindful of the local wildlife, especially in areas known for their biodiversity.

Stage 5: Arrival at Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina

  • As you approach Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina, reduce your speed in accordance with local regulations. This marina is a haven for boaters, known for its top-notch facilities and welcoming atmosphere.
  • On approaching, hail the marina on the VHF channel specified for berthing instructions. Their staff are renowned for being helpful and will assist in making your arrival as smooth as possible.

Why This Route?

  • This pilotage plan from Havn Residences and Yacht Club to Loggerhead Marina - Palm Harbour Marina stands out for several reasons. It offers a blend of safety and enjoyment, taking boaters through some of the most picturesque parts of the coastline while ensuring that there are ample shelter spots and points of interest to explore.
  • It is perfect for boaters who appreciate the journey as much as the destination, offering opportunities for brief stopovers, exploration, and interaction with local cultures.
  • The navigational considerations along this route have been meticulously planned to cater to the safety-first principle while ensuring an unforgettable boating experience.

This voyage caters to the adventurous yet safety-conscious sailor, promising not just a journey from one marina to another, but a memorable cruising experience filled with scenic vistas, cultural exchanges, and the serene beauty of the open sea. Whether you're seeking solitude in nature's lap or looking to explore bustling coastal communities, this route offers the best of both worlds, navigated with safety and enjoyment in paramount consideration.

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