The Perry Hotel and Marina to Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina

The Perry Hotel and Marina

Distance - 155.3 Nm

Avg Speed
5 kts
10 kts
20 kts
30 kts
Time Estimate
1 day, 7 hours, 4 minutes
15 hours, 32 minutes
7 hours, 46 minutes
5 hours, 11 minutes
Get route planning for The Perry Hotel and Marina to Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina with savvy navvy

Start Location
The Perry Hotel and Marina

Key West

Contact details for The Perry Hotel and Marina

+1 (239) 294-0229
Juliya Watson, Dockmaster

End Location
Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina

24777 SW 87th Avenue

Contact details for Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina

+1 (305) 258-3500, Marina Manager & Ships Store
Marina Manager & Ships Store
Freddie Nieves, General Manager

Route plan from The Perry Hotel and Marina to Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina

Preparing for a voyage from The Perry Hotel and Marina (Stock Island) to Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina requires meticulous planning, emphasizing safety while capturing the essence of the key's maritime allure. This route appeals particularly to boaters who appreciate the mix of serene waterscapes, rich marine biodiversity, and vibrant coastal communities. Let's chart a course prioritizing safety, with a nod to adventure and exploration.

Departure: The Perry Hotel and Marina

Stock Island's charm is not just in its laid-back vibe but also in its navigability. Depart from The Perry Hotel and Marina, ensuring your vessel is fully provisioned, and the weather forecast is checked. Early morning departures are recommended to take advantage of calmer sea conditions typically found at this time.

Initial Course Setting

Navigate through the safe waters surrounding Key West, heading east. Your journey takes you past the Key West Bight Marina, where the historical seafaring atmosphere is palpable. This area, while fascinating, requires careful navigation due to frequent boat traffic and a mix of commercial and recreational vessels.

Shelter Option: Boca Chica Key

As you progress, Boca Chica Key to your starboard (north) can offer a safe haven if the weather turns unexpectedly. The Naval Air Station Key West near Boca Chica provides a unique backdrop, though boaters must strictly adhere to the marked navigational channels and avoid restricted areas.

Navigational Aids and Considerations

Upon rounding the eastern tip of Boca Chica Key, maintain a vigilant lookout for navigation aids. The waters here are well-marked, but shoals can shift, especially after storms. Regularly check your charts and GPS for updates. The Hawk Channel offers a protected route with ample depth for most cruising vessels.

Mid-Route: Marathon and the Seven Mile Bridge

Approaching Marathon, the heart of the Middle Keys, provides an excellent opportunity for a stopover. Boot Key Harbor is a reputable spot for anchoring, offering services and supplies. The historic Seven Mile Bridge near Marathon is a must-see landmark. Here, cautious navigation is key due to potential cross-currents and the proximity of the old bridge ruins.

Points of Interest: Bahia Honda Key

Further along, Bahia Honda Key offers some of the most pristine waters in the Keys. This area is excellent for a leisurely stop, with the state park providing sheltered anchorages, stunning beaches, and snorkeling opportunities.

Arrival: Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina

The final leg of the journey involves navigating the bustling waters off Miami. As you approach Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina, be prepared for increased boat traffic and comply with all local boating regulations. The marina is nestled in a convenient location, providing easy access to South Miami's vibrant lifestyle.

Safety and Regulatory Compliance

Throughout your voyage, always prioritize safety:

  • Monitor weather conditions continuously.
  • Stay informed about local boating regulations, including speed limits and restricted areas.
  • Keep a watchful eye on navigation aids, acknowledging that the coastal waters of the Keys and South Florida are dynamic environments.
  • Be prepared for busy waterways as you approach urban areas, practicing courteous seamanship.


This journey from The Perry Hotel and Marina to Loggerhead Marina - South Miami Marina combines the tranquility of the Florida Keys with the exhilaration of arriving in bustling Miami. It's perfectly suited for boaters who relish the blend of peaceful cruising, natural beauty, and the excitement of city marinas. By emphasizing safety and planning, this route promises an unforgettable maritime adventure, adorned with the splendor of the Keys and the charm of coastal Florida.

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