An excellent way forward and definitely my number one planning and checking tool.
Savvy Navvy has the weather, it has the tide, it has the charts, it just does it for me.
Savvy Navvy is hands down the best in the market, I have been using it since it first came out as Beta and that is why as soon I knew you guys were opening paid subscribers, I jumped in.
Already a must-have navigation tool for sailors!
I love it! First I do normal navigation on charts, then I use Savvy Navvy as a second check to give me a good idea of the best tacks to do, subject to tide, which I understand is coming soon! I even use it just to see the wind direction at home to assess what the mooring is like!
I signed up as a Founding Member as I could see the great benefits of Savvy Navvy. The data is out there and I believe this application will bring it together to provide a useful route planning tool.
It’s a great idea to have an app like Savvy Navvy that enables people to cross-check their plans to ensure they haven’t made any mistakes.
I’m learning navigation and after i’ve plotted my route I check with Savvy Navvy and can see whether there’s a big difference. It’s like having someone check your homework!
A potential life-saving app. The product creation and subsequent business model development has been inspiring.
Savvy Navvy simplifies a whole range of different tasks that, as a skipper, you need to do. As soon as you test it, you just realise how easy it is to use, and how valuable it is!
The main theme behind our conversation today has been around unravelling some of the mystique behind trips out into the maritime and coastal environment and the more tools that people are able to pick up and use to help them understand that environment the better.
Tools like the Savvy Navvy app, and the information provided through the application is unbelievably useful to help people on that journey.